Tuesday, December 14, 2010

I think this is a really clever ad for a radio station. They play on the names of two very popular artists in terms of a crime scene. There are a number of these, but in this particular one, they use Britney Spears and Lady Gaga. Just the names together mean something different when read a different way. Britney spears Lady Gaga is different than Britney Spears, Lady Gaga. This ad shows the outcome of the first one.

I think it's clever that they are using this to convey that they play great music back to back. Since the names are back to back, this would be what could happen. Just a very clever ad campaign.

This ad made me laugh pretty hard. It's just so unexpected. Just from the initial look, you see that it's a magician doing a common "feat" performed during a magic show. You assume that even though it seems that there is nothing under the girl, you know there is. Then to put the glassex bottle down at the bottom, you realize that it is a glass piece that is cleaned with that bottle so you can't see it.

It lends the audience to believe that this cleaner gets the glass extremely clean, to the point that it doesn't seem like there is anything there, hence the magician and levitating girl.

This is a great ad. I really enjoyed it.

Dos Equis. This is probably one of the most popular ads right now. I think it has a lot to do with the extremely descriptive and creative script used in this. Every one of the things that the man does or did is so extremely funny and clever. It totally puts a spin on everything you expect. It goes totally against the grain on so many levels.

I think it is also interesting how the ad uses a strong, serious attitude to say these clever things when they could have gone a completely different route. The music in this ad is also very cool. It is very interesting as the man is.

I think it definitely creates a desire to drink this particular beer. Maybe that is just because of the ad and not because of the beer, but either way, it sells.

This ad is genius by Guiness. As most who have had a Guiness know, it takes a while for the foam in Guiness to go down. As a former bartender, I know it has something to do with the nitrogen they put into it when it's on tap...but anyway... Well, that means that when you order a Guiness, you know that it is going to take a couple minutes before it is served. You can't expect it to be out with the Miller Lite, Budweiser, or anything else....You have to be patient.

Through the reverse evolution in this advertisement, it conveys that waiting is worth it when it comes to Guiness. You may have to wait a while to get the beer, but you won't regret it.

I also like that the tadpole makes a "Yuck" noise when he tastes the water.

I think this is a great ad from VW. The grasshopper, which is always low to the ground, never has to worry about clearance of an oncoming vehicle, but this ad suggests that he does now because the Golf Sportline is "Closer to the Road." The expression on the grasshopper is priceless. He is legitimately worried that he is going to be taken out by the low-riding car.

Amazingly simplistic while also eye-catching. Volkswagen does it again with a very clever ad.
I found this advertisement online and I think it is very clever. The mustachios are the key feature in this advertisement that deals with one's perception of an image. On the left, the small mustache is accompanied by hair to which you can assume depicts the image of Hitler's hairstyle and mustache. On the right, there is a hat added and you can assume that it's Charlie Chaplin. The two are EXTREMELY percieved in very different lights, and this advertisement does a good job to show it. When people think of Hitler, they think negative thoughts, Chaplin brings thoughts of happiness.

This ad makes the reader believe that the only difference between the two is a hat. A simple hat. A hat can turn a brutish, savage person into a funny, endearing person that people admire. Quite a big difference.

The simplicity is nice in this ad and the analogy works really well.

I think this advertisement from Dulcolax is extremely clever and funny. It's extremely minimalistic in its execution with only the cork lying on the floor and the dulcolax pack in the bottom right.

It's a great analogy of cork=constipation. And the fact that the cork is lying on the floor means the bottle is open, liquid is flowing, etc....Now, not many people like the liquid flowing when it comes to defacating, but if they were badly constipated, it would be a welcome change.

Overall, the simplicity and analogy of this advertisement is genius. Very well done.

Not many people like this commercial because they think it's stupid (it is), but I actually enjoy it for that exact reason. I think it is because of how ridiculous this is. The guys goes through all the situations he has been in because of his "handicap", including not being able to hold his newborn baby boy, not being able to dress himself, etc.

It's just comical in the ridiculousness.

BUT, that doesn't make it a good commercial. It really doesn't make me want to go out and eat skittles or anything. It actually just makes me wish I could turn things into Skittles for the comedic effect. Like..."Check it out, I am going to touch this and it will turn into Skittles". I'd do it more in the Cris Angel sort of way, just blowing people's minds.

Oh well, It's still funny.

I think this commercial is awful. There is no real reason for it to even be on TV. It's corny, ridiculous, and unnecessary. First of all, what is the relevance of the contest that they had to find this lady to dance in their commercial? Does it have anything to do with SafeAuto? I doubt it. It's just another way to get people to watch their commercials, I guess.

Secondly, the people in the commercial can't even dance. If I wanted to watch really bad dancers, I would go to the Neon Cactus at 2 a.m. on Thursday night and watch horny college kits get down on the dance floor to the latest Justin Bieber song. Needless to say, I leave the Cactus around 1 a.m. when I make my way out there.

Finally, it's just bad. Not much else to say. I prefer their original jingle. At least it was memorable in a semi-ok way, unlike this ad which is burned into my memory. It's too bad you can't unsee things.

This is an ad for FedEx Express that I feel is very clever and witty in its execution. I feel like it really captures what the company does through one simple picture. It clearly depicts one person handing the vase to another through a FedEx Express box. I think it show that with FedEx, you can get something to a person as fast as you could if you were in person.

It also lends the audience to believe that even though they are delivering the package quickly, the consumer doesn't have to sacrifice safety of their package. There is no safer way to ensure the delivery of a vase to someone than to do it yourself, so this ad makes it seem as though you are doing that through FedEx Express.

Most of all I just like the way this ad looks. It is very clean, to the point and let's the audience figure out what it is saying.

I think this is an extremely clever advertisement from Denver Water. This campaign for the company that supplies most of the water in the Denver area is really successful of getting the point across while also creating an interest. As you can see from the photo, the ad uses only a small amount of space on the billboard. This, I feel, is to get the point across that people only have to pay what they use, rather than a flat rate. This creates a movement to be more efficient with the water, as well as letting consumers know that they wont be charged an arm and a leg even when they use only a little bit of water.

Denver Water also advertised this same idea using a park bench. The park bench only had a seat and back for one person to sit and had the phrase "Use only what you need" on it as well.

Overall, very creative and interesting.